Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is beneficial in treating menstrual pain and cramps. People with diabetes mellitus can consume this, as chamomile reduces blood sugar. Many will be down with seasonal depression during winter. To fight anxiety this winter, have a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile has excellent properties that make you feel calm and relaxed and it induces sleep. -
Ginger tea
During winter people are often more prone to cold and flu. That’s where ginger can come to your rescue! The anti-viral properties in ginger work like a charm to help you stay as far as possible from the seasonal flu and cold. Ginger also keeps you warm. So, consume ginger tea daily so you are not susceptible to any health issues in winter. -
Ashwagandha tea
Ashwagandha pops into everyone’s mind when you hear about asthma or weight reduction. Did you know that ashwagandha can be used during winter too? Also known as winter cherry, ashwagandha is known to elevate your spirits if you are affected with SAD (Seasonal affecting disorder). It increases the white blood cells to build immunity. Hence, ashwagandha tea should be part of your diet for winter! -
Mulethi tea
Mulethi, commonly known as liquorice, is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Add this to your life if you are suffering from any chronic disorders. Are you wondering what mulethi can do for you in winter? When the weather is nippy, many will be affected by dry cough and cold. Try having a cup of mulethi every morning, as this treats the cough. Liquorice is really helpful in calming your nerves and alleviating stress. So, make the most of mulethi tea, which is readily available even at drug stores. -
Fennel tea
With its anti-inflammatory properties, the Indian saunf or fennel fights to keep the winter cold and other infections at bay. To prepare fennel tea, boil some water and add some fennel to it. Remove the water from the stove and add a pinch of brown sugar to it. Your saunf tea is ready! Just sit back, and sip it, enjoying your early winter mornings! -
Lemon and pepper tea
It is a well-known fact that pepper treats a sore throat. Have some pepper tea if you feel sick when the weather is terrible. Add lemon to your tea if you want to stay refreshed throughout the day. After all, what is winter without some zing? -
Tulsi and cinnamon tea
If the winter is rife with cold and other nasty infections, Indian households are also ready to battle! You can be healthy this season with the holy basil in your garden! Cinnamon not only adds flavour to biriyanis but also has some medicinal properties with a cup of tulsi and cinnamon tea along with a pinch of turmeric, bid bye to the runny noses at home. -
Mint and ginger tea
Do you hear the ‘achoo’ sound every time you hear winter? Well, not anymore! Take some fresh ginger and mint out of your fridge. Chop it fine and add it to boiling water. Add honey and your mint-ginger tea is ready. While ginger fends off infections, mint cools your body. If you do not want to cut and chop on a cold winter morning, Herbea has some fantastic teas for the season. Our teas are rich in taste and effective against infections. Try Herbea’s immunitea and you will never be afraid to face the winter again!
Which tea is best for the winter season?
Turmeric tea, ginger tea, black and tulsi teas might help you a great deal this winter. -
Which tea makes your immune system stronger?
Green tea, black tea and ginger tea are excellent options for building a robust immune system. -
Is hibiscus tea better than green tea?
According to new research methods, hibiscus tea works better than green tea. It is very effective in lowering blood sugar.